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Haskell consulting

An advanced, purely functional, and type-safe language to build cleaner, more reliable software.

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Language features

Why software development

Static types

Types are enforced in the development cycle, errors can be identified before reaches the user.

Why software development is important


Haskell helps you avoid some state related errors through its pure functions.

software development methodologies


The language defers any computations until the data is actually needed.

Haskell software development

According to the TIOBE Index in 2021, approximately 0.18% of the world’s programmers are using Haskell (we think that this estimate may actually be high). Why do we advocate the use of such unpopular language? We could simply quote the hockey great Wayne Gretzky: “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.” Our actual position expands on this sentiment.

Haskell is undeniably different from languages such as Java and Ruby and we believe those differences make Haskell so relevant. Haskell’s characteristics will increasingly form a foundation for the important programming languages of the future.

Many decisions regarding which programming language to use on a project are based on flawed reasoning - we look for the languages that are the most stable and/or popular. Contrary to this common way of discerning which language to use, we look into the ones that are backed by strong theoretical foundations. Thus, working with Haskell allows us to focus on writing functional programs that are clear and secure.

Why Haskell?

While Haskell is certainly different from many mainstream programming languages, a careful observer will note that the differences are primarily in areas that have been long-studied in Computer Science. Specifically, it contains a pragmatic type system that reduces errors and facilitates time-consuming and error-prone activities such as refactoring. It contains a core that is inspired by strong mathematical principles and balanced by pragmatic experience.

Haskell’s advanced type system is ideal for applications that value safety and scalability. Its lazy approach makes it an excellent choice for performant, data-intensive software with multiple applications, such as blockchain, databases, and operating systems. Also, the proper handling of side effects in Haskell code ensures you can build concurrent code without unexpected production errors derived from race conditions.

Haskell benefits


Concise, high-level, practical, and very fast.

Why software development is important

Enforces good functional programming practices.

Fun and inclusive team and culture

Strong, healthy, and very supportive community

Which is the best software development consultancy?

An advanced type system, which provides a lot of extra safety and flexibility.

We are passionate about bringing our clients' vision to life, and we are always eager to learn and support one another in the process.

Concurrency is easy because of the safe handling of side effects.

Haskell is the perfect choice for projects that require good performance, high scalability, and security. At Stack Builders, we have extensive experience writing and maintaining Haskell applications, not only through proprietary client code but also through our commitment to improving the open-source community.

We are ready to help you start and/or grow your Haskell project.

Our contributions


Our home built deployment tool. It mimics Capistrano's concepts, paired with a solid rollback strategy.


Helps the management of configuration files, keeping any sensitive data out of version control.


Implements some common string manipulation functions, but it uses a parser to validate inputs.

Our Haskell tutorials

We love helping the Haskell community grow! Check out some of the posts and tutorials we’ve written.

Are you ready to start your Haskell journey with us?

Are you ready to start your Haskell journey with us, or letting us tag along in your current journey?