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Stack Builders Presents on Functional Programming at PUCE

Stack Builders presents on Haskell and Functional programming at the Catholic University (PUCE) in Quito.

This morning Stack Builders presented on topics related to functional programming in Haskell and Javascript at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador as part of their "Engineering Week." Stack Builders CTO Justin Leitgeb presented, as did Stack Builders developers Juan Pablo Santos and Juan Pedro Villa.

The Stack Builders team in Quito has been involved in numerous university activities since the opening of their Ecuador office. In particular, presentations from Stack Builders staff have been focused on functional programming, Agile, and best practices to achieve clean code.

Photo: Stack Builders developer Juan Pedro explaining how Haskell is the finest imperative programming language in the world.

Published on: Apr. 24, 2015

Written by:

Software Developer

Jacqueline Guamaní